CX AI in healthcare

Since 2017, Afiniti has been helping some of the world’s largest healthcare insurance companies provide exceptional customer care.

Using AI to pair customers with nurses and customer service representatives is increasing life expectancy, improving health outcomes, and reducing costs for subscribers and providers alike.

How Afiniti delivered for a large US health insurance company


in annual incremental lifetime value expected

Afiniti improves the outcomes that matter most to healthcare insurance providers
Increased Member Enrollments

Increased member

Reduced Gaps Care

Reduced gaps

in care

Higher CMS satisfaction score

Higher CMS
satisfaction score

Higher CMS

Higher CMS ratings
& bonuses

Better Medical Outcomes

Better medical

Greater member satisfaction

Greater member

Increased Care Pharmacy

Increased care &
pharmacy service usage

Reduced Medical Expenses

Reduced medical

Improved provider satisfaction

Improved provider